

A Note from Howard University President Ben Vinson III, Ph.D.

As our community prepares to transition into new priorities and directions, it is fitting that we pause to reflect on the strategies and efforts that have led us to where we are today. The past five years have been pivotal for many reasons, and together we have walked through unexpected worldwide challenges. We have also pursued our goals and accomplished so much despite the circumstances. Even as we continue to press forward with maximum strength, we celebrate the many victories of the Howard Forward Strategic Plan, while continuously building our next steps. We look forward to continue engaging our Howard community in the process of making our institution even stronger.

Looking Ahead

As an institution of excellence, truth, and service, Howard University knows the importance of continuous, productive, community oriented growth. As we close out our Howard Forward Strategic Plan, a new strategic planning process is already underway. This strategic plan will be a guiding light for our commitments and priorities over the coming years.

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Howard Foward Wrap-Up Report

Executive SummaryFull Report